Everything you see on campus has been built with student success in mind. 和, even though we’re nestled in a setting that hasn’t changed much since the last Ice Age, 我们的设施和资源焕然一新. 那是因为他们就是. Carthage has invested more than $250 million in recent years in residential, 学术, 娱乐设施.
- 生活 在现代化的宿舍楼里,可以看到密歇根湖的壮丽景色.
- 吃饭 在星巴克、Local Scene、Pacific Harbor或The cafe.
- 计算出 在猛犸N. E. 塔布尔运动娱乐中心.
- 发现 在我们新的湖滨科学中心先进的实验室里.
- 研究 in a new library outfitted with an incredible array of scholarly resources.
- 放松 在学生设计的学生会里.
大卫科学中心. STRAZ小. CENTER
博彩网址大全耗资4300万美元的科学中心于2015年开放, offering state-of-the-art facilities for study in the natural sciences and providing new ways for students and faculty to collaborate on forefront research. 新建筑包括跨学科实验室, 用于学生研究的空间, 还有一间室外教室和露台,可以欣赏到迷人的湖景. 科学中心设在 大卫. Straz小. Center, which also includes fine arts facilities including the 400-seat Wartburg Theatre, 还有一个工作室剧院.
A. W. 克劳森世界商业中心
玻璃墙教室和聚会空间. 这个设施是为商业教育的特殊愿景而设计的, where students acquire an interdisciplinary mindset to succeed in a global economy.
2002年, Hedberg图书馆 集印刷、数字、多媒体信息资源于一体. The growing collection of resources contains 120,000 print volumes and 210,000 e-books. 它还提供90,000张流媒体音频专辑, 60,000个流媒体视频, 160,000种电子期刊和160个数据库, as well as a media and technology suite for video and audio production and a 24-hour cyber cafe.
你们在博彩网址大全的很多课程都在伦茨大厅, 基诺沙校区的原始建筑之一. This is also where you will find the new Nursing Learning Laboratories for the Carthage Nursing Program. 伦茨大楼也是招生办公室的所在地, 注册处, 以及学生金融服务办公室.
H. F. 约翰逊艺术画廊和约翰逊艺术中心
约翰逊艺术中心(大家都叫它“JAC”)收藏着我们的艺术品, 平面设计, 还有音乐课. 它也是H的所在地. F. 约翰逊美术馆, which displays work by established and emerging artists and gives Carthage students a chance to engage with current regional and national art trends.
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一个可以见面、吃饭、购物、24/7闲逛的地方. Completed in 2011, it also houses a theatre, the Carthage bookstore, and a convenience store.
N. E. 桌球运动娱乐中心
计算出 in a student fitness center recognized as one of the finest in the nation. 建于2001年, “TARC”有一个16车道的游泳池, 室内攀岩墙, 200米室内跑道, 然后是5,000平方英尺的健身中心.
台桌竞技场举办博彩网址大全体育赛事(见下文), but it’s also an outstanding venue for concerts and other special events. 这个场馆曾接待过菲利普·菲利普斯(Phillip Phillips)等艺术家, 战斗, 这个脚本, 戴夫马修斯, 约翰·迈耶, 鲍勃·迪伦. 于2009年完成, 该设施可容纳2人。,500-3,篮球和排球比赛的费用是1000美元, 还有其他事件.
Enjoy playing games, watching movies, and hanging out with friends in the 电子竞技领域. 对所有学生开放, 电竞竞技场设有24个PC游戏站, 休息区, 大屏幕电视机, 内置教室, 控制台.
Carthage’s 80-acre campus is an arboretum that sustains a variety of ecosystems. 在过去的二十年里, 学院种了许多植物, 树, 和灌木保持其风景如画, 而且气氛. 植物园让学生在自然环境中放松, 但也要为课堂和独立进行研究.
我们的自助餐厅不像大多数大学的自助餐厅. 咖啡厅设有户外座位和壮观的湖景. Remodeled during the summer of 2012, Caf的 dishes out more than just tasty cuisine. 这里举办过无数的慈善募捐活动和圆桌讨论会.
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塔式宿舍, 博彩网址大全最新的住宅楼, 2018年秋季迎来了第一批居民. This eight-story building connects Joseph Johnson and Madrigrano Family residence halls and offers stunning views of both Lake Michigan and the Carthage campus. 学生可以花时间学习或放松在前两层, 哪些是专用公共空间. The top six floors are reserved for housing, with space for up to 126 students.
The Oaks village is a new cluster of six villas on the south side of campus, 俯瞰密歇根湖. The Oaks feature private rooms and baths in suite arrangements with common lounge areas for each floor and dedicated study rooms in the basement. Each room has stunning views of Lake Michigan and/or a beautiful wooded area.
博彩网址大全有11个宿舍楼,包括奥克斯村, 最近的翻新也适应了不断增加的入学人数. Enjoy traditional rooms, suite-style rooms, study-intensive wings, even sand volleyball courts. 学生宿舍 include Denhart Hall, 约翰逊大厅, Tarble Hall, and Madrigrano Hall.
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N. E. 桌球运动娱乐中心
设施包括一个16车道的游泳池, 室内攀岩墙, 200米室内跑道, 和5,000平方英尺的健身中心. Known as “the TARC,” it’s recognized as one of the finest student fitness centers in the nation.
From a state-of-the-art AstroPlay surface to new bleachers and lighting, 自1965年建成以来,艺术凯勒球场经历了多次翻新. A new press box and all-new seating for 1,432 spectators was added in 2011. Seating for the facility is 2,418 for football, soccer, track and field, and lacrosse events.
A dazzling 2009 renovation transformed the former Physical Education Center into an outstanding venue for sports and special events, 在三级设置提供一级经验. 该设施包括一个运动训练设施, 室内高尔夫训练中心, 力量训练中心.
Koenitzer水上运动中心的特色是600,000-gallon swimming pool — more than three times the size of the previous pool. It measures 25 meters by 40 meters, 10 meters shy of an Olympic-size pool. 阳台座位可容纳100名观众. 一个可容纳15人的漩涡池增加了水上中心的吸引力.
1999年开业, 斯梅兹网球中心包括10个球场, 其中六个以灯光和体育场座位为特色. The complex also has locker rooms, restrooms, a team-会议 space and concession area.
博彩网址大全电子竞技队的主场, 电竞竞技场包括24个PC游戏站, 休息区, 大屏幕电视机, 内置教室, 控制台. This multipurpose facility is located on the lower level of the Todd Wehr Center and is open to all students.
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Fine arts facilities at Carthage include six naturally lit art studios; a state-of-the-art computer graphics and electronic music laboratory; the magnificent Fritsch Memorial Organ in A. F. Siebert教堂; a flexible recital hall and art gallery; the Wartburg Theatre and Studio Theatre; and music teaching studios, 套房间, 还有练习室.
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This striking building has been the chief symbol of religious life at Carthage for 40 years. 位于校园中心, it is the primary space in which the Carthage community assembles for worship, 会的, 还有其他事件. The Fritsch Memorial Casavant pipe organ is one of the finest tracker-action organs in the Midwest.
这个教堂, 坐落在奥克斯住宅村在校园的南端, 提供了滋养精神的绿洲. Six geothermal wells were installed beneath the chapel, providing its temperature control. The only energy used to heat and cool the chapel is the electricity needed to run a pump and fan.
有40个座位的弗里奇冥想教堂, 坐落在伦茨大厅对面的树林里, 是用本地兰农石材和木结构建造的. It is used by individuals and small groups for private meditation, Eucharist and prayer services. The chapel has a Greek cross fashioned by internationally renowned liturgical artist Eugene Potente Jr.
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